Empire State Tattoo Expo – NYC July 15-17

I’ll be tattooing at the Empire State Tattoo Expo all weekend….. The Greatest Tattoo Artists Together in One Place New York Empire State Tattoo Expo July 15th to 17th 2016 NYC Midtown Hilton empirestatetattooexpo.com facebook.com/NyEmpireStateTattooExpo instagram.com/nyempirestatetattooexpo
18th Annual Northern Ink Xposure

I will be attending the 18th Annual Northern Ink Xposure in Toronto June 17th-19th 2016. http://torontotattooshow.com/
Needle Art Tattoo Convention Breda

I will be attending the Needle Art Tattoo Convention in The Netherlands May 14th & 15th 2016. http://needlearttattooconvention.nl/